Friday 24 October 2008

Student Loans An Easier Way to Get Through College

Student Loans Consolidation Service – An Easier Way to Get Through College

Are you dreaming of pursuing college to have a better career in the future but your means are not enough to assist you get through it? No need to worry and keep up with that dream of yours. There is a student loans consolidation service that would help you make those dreams come true. Student loan consolidation is a practical way of bundling all your school loans into just one monthly payment. If you consider combining your student loans you can choose from these options: the federal student loans consolidation and the private loan consolidation. To help you decide which one suits you best, a brief explanation will be presented to you. The federal student loan consolidation is a fixed-rate refinancing existing federal loans into just one new loan. If you want to cut your monthly payment by as much as fifty percent, or maybe you wanted to simplify your finances with just one monthly payment. Another good thing about this is that it would tend to reduce your interest rate through consolidation during your grace period and no credit checks, application charges or fees when you apply. When you combine all your student loans into one consolidated loan would lengthen your repayment term from the standard ten years to thirty years depending on the amount of the loan. Since you have a lower monthly payment, you can have spare money to meet your other living expenses like house rents, car payments and other necessities. There are no overpayment penalties so you can make larger payments to reduce the repayment term. Remember there are ways to get signature loans no credit check but loans with no credit check often charge a much higher interest rate.

When you've finally decided to consolidate all your existing student loans into just one, loan counselors will educate you about the benefits you can get and will help you figure out what repayment option would be best for you. A borrower may choose from equal payment, select 2/graduated payments, select 5/graduated payments, extended equal payment, extended select 2 payment, extended select 5 payment and income-sensitive payment, each would be briefly discussed shortly.

The equal payment provides an equal monthly payment over the terms of the loan. Select2/graduated payment will allow you to pay for the interest only for the first two years of the repayment and there would be an increase in the level of installment of the principal and interest on the third year. On the other select 5/graduated payment will allow you to pay the interest only for the first two years of the repayment period but on the third to fifth years, your payment increases which includes a part of the principal. A borrower is allowed to repay for the loan up to thirty years with the same terms of the equal repayment scheme. You may choose from either option under this plan: the extended select 2 payment and the extended select 5 payment. The first option allows one to repay the loan for up to thirty years, having the same terms with the select 2/graduated payment plan. While the second option will allow one to repay for up to thirty years with the same conditions as the select5/graduated plan. In addition, the last option is the income-sensitive payment plan. This option provides for payments to be annually adjusted based on your expected total monthly income from your job and any other resources.

The Best Student Loans Consolidation Rate Offer

The Best Student Loans Consolidation Rate Offer

Going through college is one of the most expensive 'necessities' in a person's life. There are lots of young people who dream of making their way to college. Sometimes no matter how much we wanted to pursue a university education we just can't on account of some financial constraints. However, who said money could hinder you from getting that dream of yours? Now you are just few clicks away from your dreams. Student signature loans had always been the hope of those people who assumed that they can't have the education they needed. Nevertheless, what if you have a lot of loans no credit check and wouldn't know what to do to manage all of them? Loans consolidation is the solution. Loan consolidation is combining a person's all existing student loans into just one new and simple one. One may have more than five student loans until he finishes college. However, remember federal student loans and private student loans cannot be combined into one loan because each has unique terms and conditions. Here are the reasons why consolidation is recommended: It can cut down your existing monthly payment by as much as half percent. There are no application fees neither needed nor credit checks. You would get penalized for prepayments. A student borrower is allowed of an interest-only payment scheme. With the information mentioned above, you may not be considering of combining your student loans. If you have decided try to check the student loans consolidation rate to aid you choose the kind of consolidation would meet your needs.

A private consolidation loan can cut down a student's monthly payment by as much as 45 in the first year by merging all the private student debt into just one manageable loan. Some consolidating companies offer a first year introductory interest rate which is equal to a month LIBOR which at present is 5.02 plus 2.50. This rate depends on the student borrower's credit or his co-signer if there is. Consequently, that means that you could get as low as 7.52 monthly interest rate. One could also pay for the interest only for the first two years. With this one can keep up with the accumulated value of the loan and lessens the monthly payment. On your loan closing the first year, the interest rate changes to LIBOR plus a 6 to 6.50 which like mentioned earlier would depend on the borrower's credit history and the co-signer's. A .25 rate reduction will be given for the auto debit. At present, the annual percentage rate which is based on a thirty-year repayment term would be at 9.58 to 10.90.

As for federal loans consolidation, the rate is based on the weighted average of the student loan interest rate. Students who have Stafford loans get a 6.8 rate but a new rate will soon be released giving a rate of only 6. The following would be the new interest loan rates for these various consolidated federal loans: the usual rate is 8.02 but is now down to 5.01.